Sunday, April 12, 2009


1.Running up a wall

How does he get enough friction to run up the wall?
Can he keep running up the wall?

2. Running along a wall

What is the trajectory of the runner?
Before take off did the runner run parallel to the wall or at an angle to the wall?

3. Running round a corner

Another wall run. At the end of thevideo he runs around a corner why is it possible to run further if there is a corner?
4. Wall of death

What force stops the bikes and cars from falling down?
Why can't the bike be horizontal?
The car is heavier than the bike but why does it only have to go at the same speed?

5. Looping the loop

How does Bob manage to get higher and higher? Where is the energy coming from?
What force holds him in a circle around the top of the loop?
Write an equation for the minimum speed required, does it depend on the mass of the skater?
6. Not looping the loop

Why did this skater not make it?
What was his trajectory once he left the pipe?
7.Dead sea swimming

Why can they swim so high in the water?
What would it be like swimming in mercury?
Could you swim in petrol?
9. Speed Skiing

Can a speed skier travel faster then a free falling body?
Can they accelerate faster than free fall?
10 Wing Suits

They travel pretty fast but why is their speed less than without the wingsuit?
Is it possible for the fliers to go across without going down?
11. Hill climb

Its not easy to see but why are these bikes longer than normal motor bikes?
Why isn't it possible to ride up a vertical wall?
12. Half Pipe

How do they manage to get higher and higher each jump? whare is the energy coming from?
13. Perpetual Motion

Can this toy keep moving for ever?
Could it be used to generate electricity?

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